Radical Collaboration
“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” — Hellen Keller
These are challenging times for our collective human family. Radical collaboration is essential if we are to transform our living space towards a brighter future for ourselves, each other and our planet.
We are bringing together leading edge thinkers across diverse disciplines -- scientists, business entrepreneurs, financial institutions, environmentalist, wellness experts, architects, builders, spiritual teachers-- to create heart-centered, evidence-based, holistic design that nurtures the well-being of mind, body and soul.
This requires Radical Collaboration by visionaries with very diverse backgrounds, experience, skill sets and perspectives -- people willing to set aside their false egos to think, create and act outside the box for the common good of humanity. Actually, there is no box!
We walk on the edge, the edge of all we know, seeking to discover something that is yet to be, joining with others who choose “ unlimited possibilities” over “current realities”. Ours shared vision creates a synergy where working together we are far more than any of us are alone — where one plus one equals ten or even a hundred!
Working together we experience effervescence, a sensation that comes with an inner knowing we are part of something bigger than us.
With this unique effort we will be shattering the rules and paradigms, changing the conversation, and transcending how we currently design and build our homes . . .an absolute necessity given the state of our world.
It’s where ancient wisdom meets modern science. The design of the Infinity Home is offered as a living laboratory that manifests the collaborators’ real world solutions, serving as a model for mass scale market-rate development.
It becomes a sculpture, a painting, a rendering of art and architecture, a holistic home if you will, a home born of the Golden Mean, environmentally sound, which speaks to our interconnectedness and our most human and sacred desire: LOVE