Where Ancient Wisdom
Meets Modern Science

Our Vision and Essence


To create a holistic home that nurtures the mind, body and soul. . .where we feel our interconnection with nature, all human beings and to All That Is.


Conscious Design

For decades we have lived in an era of degenerative design that extracts and degrades our precious resources. We have been slowly moving toward sustainable and more recently regenerative design as more and more individuals seek ways to reduce their environmental impact on the planet. Companies are also attuning to this mindset and incorporating sustainability values into their products. Now is the time to step up to transformational holistic design that supports our physical, mental and spiritual well being so we can go out into the world and be the best we can be.


Radical Collaboration

Bringing together leading edge thinkers across diverse disciplines and perspectives — from science to spirituality — to walk on the edge and together transform residential spaces for a brighter future for ourselves and the planet.


Living Building Challenge

Moving Beyond Green to Regenerative Living

What if every single act of design and construction made the world a better place?

If every intervention resulted in greater biodiversity and social equity;  a deeper understanding of climate, culture, and place; a more profound sense of what it means to be a citizen of a planet where resources and opportunities are provided fairly and equitably.

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Dream Team

Extraordinary things happen when ordinary people join together. Our Dream Team are leading edge visionaries. We joyfully collaborate with clarity of purpose, bringing forth our unique gifts, skills, intuition and commitment to this transformational project. Together we change the future. . .it’s part of our personal and professional legacy.


"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it." - Albert Einstein



Feel free to contact us with any questions through this contact form. We’ll personally respond to your email message.